
Alberta Renaissance Faires, SCA, and LARP Events


Where is a Renaissance Faire or SCA event in Alberta?

There are plenty of medieval and Renaissance events for you to attend in Alberta. Here, we break down events in Alberta, Canada by event type, making it easier for you to check out a Renaissance faire, LARP, or SCA event. In addition, we list upcoming events and recurring yearly events. Check back regularly for future events. We will try to keep this page updated regularly as events pass and more info for other events becomes available.


Event Name




Red Deer Highland Games Harvard Business Park, Springbrook, AB 06-22-2024 https://www.reddeerhighlandgames.com/
Vegreville Medieval Faire Vegreville Agricultural Grounds, Vegreville AB 07-11-2025 – 07-13-2025 https://calgarymedievalfaire.com/vegreville-medieval-faire-artisan-market-home/
Sherwood Park Highland Gathering Broadmoor Lake Park, Sherwood Park, AB 07-20-2024 – 07-21-2024 https://www.sphg.ca/
Edson Renaissance Faire Yellowhead Agricultural Society, 901 Range Road 180 Yellowhead County, AB T7E 3M2 07-26-2025 – 07-27-2025 https://www.facebook.com/EdsonRenFaire/
Days of Yore Rosebud Park, Didsbury, AB 08-03-2024 – 08-04-2024 https://www.daysofyore.ca/
Strathmore Medieval Faire Strathmore Agricultural Grounds, Strathmore, AB T1P 1X3, Canada 08-23-2024 – 08-25-2024 https://calgarymedievalfaire.com/
Military Museum Summer Skirmish 4520 Crowchild Trail SW, Calgary AB T2T 5J4 08-17-2024 – 08-18-2024 https://themilitarymuseums.ca/visit/events-and-exhibits/summer-skirmish
Canmore Highland Games Centennial Park, Canmore, AB 08-30-2025 – 08-31-2025 https://canmorehighlandgames.ca/
Calgary Highland Games Calgary Rugby Union, Calgary, AB 09-02-2023 https://calgaryhighlandgames.com/
Roller Renaissance FaireRollers Roller Rink, Edmonton, AB11-16-2024https://rollersrollerrink.ca/


Event Name




Underworld LARP Harrowvale September Event 22 Nicole Way, White Sands, AB T0B, Canada 09-27-2024 – 09-29-2024 https://www.facebook.com/groups/harrowvale/
Refuge LARP Edmonton October EventRange Rd 202 White sands AB, CA T0C 3B010-04-2024 – 10-06-2024https://db.refugelarp.org/events/486
Refuge LARP Calgary October Event Lions Youth Camp, Mountain View County, AB T0M 0R0, Canada 10-11-2024 – 10-14-2024 https://www.refugelarpcalgary.ca/events.html
Dark Ascension LARP Master’s Revelations Camp Kasota West, 39161 Range Rd 21, Sylvan Lake, AB T4S 1X6 10-26-2024 https://www.darkascensionlarp.com/events-1


Event Type

Event Name




Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) Avacal Montengarde An Autumnal Bardic Circle Bowness Park, 8900 48 Ave NW, Calgary, AB T3B 2B2, Canada 09-29-2024 https://www.montengarde.org/Welcome/2024/09/01/september-as-activities/
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) Avacal Snow Eaters Shaughnessy, 133 3 Street, Shaughnessy, AB, T0K 2A0 10-25-2024 – 10-27-2024 https://avacal.org/calendar/?event=3161
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) Avacal Samhain 821 Abbeydale Drive NE, Calgary, AB 11-02-2024 https://avacal.org/calendar/?event=3162
Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA)Avacal Winter Crown410 5th Street, Beiseker, AB, T0M 0G002-14-2025 – 02-17-2025https://avacal.org/calendar/?event=3172


Event Name




Calgary Expo Stampede Park, 650 25 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 4K8 04-24-2025 – 04-27-2025 https://fanexpohq.com/calgaryexpo/
Grande Con Bonnetts Energy Centre, 10017 99 Ave, Grande Prairie, AB T8V 0R7 07-12-2024 – 07-14-2024 https://www.grandecon.ca/

What info can I find about Renaissance faires and LARP events in Alberta?

We list the event name, location, date, and a link to the most update info that we can find. The event names and other information is based on what is listed freely online by the organizers and associations. Please keep in mind that while we try to provide the most recent info, event details can change. Medieval Collectibles is not responsible if the information has changed or is no longer available. In addition, we are not responsible for or affiliated with any of these events unless otherwise stated.

What can I do at a Renaissance Faire?

Renaissance faires are filled with all sorts of fun activities. There are usually booths for food and shopping. They will provide a range of food and drinks for you to try. Many Ren faires will have live music and entertainment. You can dress up in medieval clothing or wear a fantasy outfit. Some faires have weekend themes for you to enjoy. Others follow a made-up storyline with different characters that interact with guests. Regardless, faires and festivals are intended for people to have fun.

What if I don’t see a Ren faire or LARP event near me in Alberta?

If you live near the US or a provincial border, don’t forget to look nearby. For example, you can check out the pages of British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Montana. These areas may have events that are close to you as well. We list events by the state or province. Many events are close to state or national borders. 

In addition, SCA organizations will often have events that are intended for people from further away. Pennsic, a popular SCA event, is the best example of this. It includes people from across North America. You can contact local SCA or LARP organizers to find out if there are other events that you could attend. Of course, you can always check out events across the United States and Canada.

Don’t see an upcoming event that you know of?

Awesome to hear! You can let us know about LARP events, Renaissance faires, and SCA events in Alberta, Canada by reaching out to us via phone, email, or through our live chat. Contact us here! We will be happy to add new events to our list.

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