
Roman Lorica Segmentata

Original price was: $255.00.Current price is: $215.00.


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SKU: AB0006 Categories: , ,

Legionaire, you must fight for the glory and protection of Rome. The Roman Lorica Segmentata will protect your torso in battle. Made from 18-gauge mild steel, this Roman armour comes in one size.

The armour protects the torso and shoulders. It secures onto the body with straps and leather lacing in front. There are two straps on the chest running vertically, while a third runs horizontally next to the neck. The lacing runs up the center front.

The Centurion armour consists of narrow overlapping plates. At the shoulders, the plates have brass-colored hinges. They match the fittings on the front. This Roman cuirass makes a great addition to a Roman cosplay or LARP outfit. The Steel Roman Lorica Segmentata works well for costume and light reenactment use.

Key Features:

  • Comes in one size
  • Features multiple overlapping plates
  • Secures with straps and lacing
  • Great for Roman soldiers
  • Wonderful for LARP and cosplay events


  • Made from 18-gauge mild steel

Care Instructions:

Chest CircumferenceWeight
One SizeUp to 44 inches25 lbs


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