Nestled on a wide branch between two trees, this pastel pink fairy slumbers peacefully. The Rockabye Fairy Statue depicts the fantasy maiden in polystone, hand painted in beautiful colors to reveal its phenomenal level of detail. The blonde hair of the fairy cascades down the side of a tree trunk, her translucent wings are posed upwards at her back, and her pastel pink dress trails down into the brook between the two trees. Leafy branches above her form a canopy, linking the two trees together as floral vines creep up their forms. Bring a magical sense of peacefulness into your own home when you add this enchanting fairy statue to your fantasy collections and displays.
Key Features:
- Depicts fairy maiden in slumber
- Hand painted in exquisite detail and color
- Fairy appears resting on a branch between two trees
- Beautiful accent for fantasy themed displays
- Unique addition to fairy collections
- Made of polystone
- Height: 12.66 Inches
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