
January 2023

Prince Edward Island Renaissance Faires, SCA, and LARP Events

Are there Renaissance Faires or SCA events on Prince Edward Island?
Yes! We list different medieval and Renaissance-themed events by event type. This way you can find the Renaissance faire, LARP, or SCA event that you are looking for on Prince Edward Island. We list upcoming events and recurring yearly events. Make sure that you check […]

Prince Edward Island Renaissance Faires, SCA, and LARP Events Read More »

Are there Renaissance Faires or SCA events on Prince Edward Island?
Yes! We list different medieval and Renaissance-themed events by event type. This way you can find the Renaissance faire, LARP, or SCA event that you are looking for on Prince Edward Island. We list upcoming events and recurring yearly events. Make sure that you check

From Romeo to Robin Hood: 7 Famous Love Stories

When it comes to the medieval and Renaissance world, there were many love stories that people enjoyed and lived through. Some of them are still famous to this day and continually reappear in pop culture. Here’s a snapshot of 7 of those famous or infamous medieval and Renaissance romances, from Romeo to Robin Hood. Some

From Romeo to Robin Hood: 7 Famous Love Stories Read More »

When it comes to the medieval and Renaissance world, there were many love stories that people enjoyed and lived through. Some of them are still famous to this day and continually reappear in pop culture. Here’s a snapshot of 7 of those famous or infamous medieval and Renaissance romances, from Romeo to Robin Hood. Some

Newfoundland Renaissance Faires, SCA, and LARP Events

Where is a Ren faire, LARP, or SCA event in Newfoundland?
There are definitely some medieval and Renaissance events for you to attend in Newfoundland. Here, we break down events by event type. This will make it easier for you to check out a Renaissance faire, LARP, or SCA event in Newfoundland. In addition, we list

Newfoundland Renaissance Faires, SCA, and LARP Events Read More »

Where is a Ren faire, LARP, or SCA event in Newfoundland?
There are definitely some medieval and Renaissance events for you to attend in Newfoundland. Here, we break down events by event type. This will make it easier for you to check out a Renaissance faire, LARP, or SCA event in Newfoundland. In addition, we list

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